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The Mamikonyans. Myth and Reality
Author: Hamlet Davtyan
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This book is not an easy read, so it requires some attention and patience. There is no chronological sequence, no new epic stories, or sensational bibliographic discoveries. There are only facts and arguments that reveal the truth about the Mamikonian clan, which is radically different from the "truth" that is accepted and mainly used for propaganda purposes. The work was written to present the problem comprehensively and thoroughly, which is why it may seem to have repetitions in some places. In fact, they are different observations related to the same person or phenomenon, which, complementing each other, complete the overall picture. It should be kept in mind that this is a unique historiographic investigation, during which an attempt is made to draw the political and moral-psychological portrait of the ministerial house, which occupied the upper echelon of national power for several centuries in a row, as well as to reveal the main motives of the activities of the notables of the dynasty. Therefore, nothing can be superfluous for the anatomical (discursive) examination of their hereditary characteristics. This book is also an attempt to reinterpret and re-evaluate one's past, an important prerequisite for forming a national idea. Let's finally realize that a nation cannot last without a national idea, and one of the cornerstones of the latter is honest history.
Author: Hamlet Davtyan
Genre: historical
Language: Armenian
Age: 16+
Number of pages: 800
Cover: hard (standard)
Weight: 900 grams
Publisher: "Koghb" Foundation
Year of publication: 2024
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